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Employment Law

Contents are under revision.

Upon several years of professional experience in employment law the Law Office provides legal advice to clients, based on obtaining the adequate knowledge of managing the regular and daily questions in accordance with applicable legal regulations. In the course of the daily operation of companies there are many issues arisen, which seem tiny problems at the beginning. Answering these issues may require the necessity of legal advice and the incapability of not-knowing the right answer may hold up the effective operation of the company. Such issues may be, for example, what call-on duty means, what time-frame is and how it may be used, in case of implementing time-frame what may be considered to overtime work, etc.

Nowadays it is particularly important that employers comply with the applicable legal regulations at the extent as much as possible in the field of employment law as well. Not complying with the applicable employment law regulations may generate the risk of fines imposed on the company. In case of employment law fines the possibility of participating in a public procurement procedure may be prohibited for years. Naturally, there is the opportunity to file an appeal against the decision imposing the fine, and afterwards initiate the court procedure; however, even in the course of the appeal and the court procedure the participation in public procurement procedures may be problematic.

From the daily operation's view it is important that the employers have the sufficient internal policies. These policies may make the operation of the company easier within the frame of the applicable legal regulations, and may facilitate the employees to follow the rules determined by the employers.

Recently information may be heard about the importance of legally correct termination notices and the correct communication of such notices since if the labour court establishes in its judgement the illegal nature of a notice, the employer is obliged to pay a high sum equalling with the average salary of the employee for a couple of years. The issue of legally correct termination notices also arise with regard to collective redundancies, in which case a separate part of the Labour Code stipulates the applicable provisions. Labour courts are entitled to judge on the legal or illegal nature of termination notices. Based on our experience in labour court cases the Law Office undertakes to represent clients before labours courts.

The collective employment law is becoming more important day by day, a significant emphasize is placed on the rights of trade unions and works councils. Collective bargaining agreements and strike rights also belong to the field of collective employment law.

Employment law issues may also arise with regard to reorganizations of companies and groups of companies. In the course of setting up and transforming the operations of companies, transfer of undertakings are more general than before. In such cases it is essential to apply the relevant provisions of the Labour Code and the practice developed regarding transfer of undertakings.

In addition to the above the good reputation of the company is not a side issue, either. From both the employees' and the business partners' view it gives a good picture of the company, if the labour structure is efficient and professional and the employees and the employer are pleased vice versa with regard to the internal labour system and regulations.

The above examples clearly support the importance of employment law in the course of the operation of employers. The professional legal advice may assist and facilitate the daily operation of companies. The primarily practice area of the Law Office is employment law and its related fields.